Social Media
We hope our members will like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @ISHPES
ISHPES encourages its members to add ISHPES as a tag on academic social networking sites such as to easily find other scholars.
To improve communications between sports historians and other sport scholars, ISHPES established an e-mail network of sports scholars. This network was originally called SPORTHIST and was renamed H-Sport when it moved to H-Net, the Humanities and Social Sciences Online Network (
Anyone interested in sport history, sociology, philosophy, or other socio-cultural studies can subscribe to H-Sport. Membership in ISHPES is not necessary and subscription is free. Network subscribers are able to submit and receive information and announcements to and from colleagues throughout the world. H-Sport has also established several resources, including a quarterly Journal Watch for academic articles published about sport, an Archive Project which highlights archival collections of interest to sport scholars, and a Teaching Initiative which includes course syllabi.
Junior Scholars are encouraged to submit their name and project title to the Thesis & Dissertations in Progress list, maintained on H-Sport. H-Sport also announces new bookspublished on sport each quarter, and ISHPES members are encouraged to share their books with the H-Sport community.
Because H-Sport is part of H-Net, announcements can be submitted to all of lists managed by H-Net, reaching tens of thousands of scholars.
If you wish to subscribe to H-Sport, you can do so here.
You will receive more information about H-Sport after you subscribe. If you have any questions, please contact the H-Sport Editorial Team.
Sport History Societies
Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH)
British Society of Sports History (BSSH)
European Committee for Sports History (CESH)
Finnish Society of Sport History (FSSH)
French Society of Sport History (FSSH)
Historical Research Section of Japan Society of Physical Education
Japanese Society of Sport History (JSSH)
North American Society for Sport History (NASSH)
International Sport Studies Societies
International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS)
International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP)
International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
International Society of Olympic Historians (ISOH)
International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA)
International Research Network in Sport Tourism (IRNiST)
International Journal of the History of Sport (Routledge)

Other Links
International Olympic Committee Archive Nordic online journal for research of sport (Malmö, Sweden)
International Cycling History Conference (ICHC)