The International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport sponsors two annual awards and a travel fund for graduate students to attend the ISHPES Congress and ISHPES Conference.
The ISHPES AWARD is presented to a sport historian who has a particular interest in and has published pioneering work on the general theme of the ISHPES Congress. The award may also be presented as a tribute to a scholar with a life-long record of research in sport history. The prize is accompanied by a certificate and an invitation to accept the award and present the ISHPES Award Lecture at the Congress.
One candidate will be selected by the Awards Committee and recommended to the ISHPES executive.
Past ISHPES Award Winners
In 2012 Routledge began a partnership with ISHPES to support a keynote speaker at the ISHPES Congress or Seminar. The ROUTLEDGE KEYNOTE SPEAKER AWARD WINNER is recognized at the annual ISHPES Congress or Seminar.
Past Routledge Keynote Speaker Award Winners
The GIGLIOLA GORI AWARD is awarded for an unpublished essay of outstanding quality in the field of sport history. Eligible scholars must be a member of ISHPES and a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the time of the Seminar or within one year of receiving a having graduated from a program of higher education. The essay must be submitted in ENGLISH and the text itself (including notes and bibliography) must not exceed 8,000 words. The main criteria for selection will be based on originality, the scientific quality of the research and the value of the study from the perspective of international sport history.
The award winner will receive the 1000 € prize, free registration at the Congress or Seminar and a year’s membership to ISHPES. His/her paper will be published in The International Journal of the History of Sport and the winner, together with any other entrant whose work is recognized by the committee for its quality, will receive a diploma that will be presented during the Congress.
Essays must be submitted to the chair of the Awards Committee. See details here.